The Fraternal Order of Police Star.   Click for Member Login. Medina County
Fraternal Order of Police
Lodge #204
The Fraternal Order of Police Star.   Click for Member Login.

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Welcome Members & Friends!!!

The Fraternal Order of Police is the largest law enforcement organization in the country. As you may know, the Medina County Lodge, a local lodge, is one of the newest lodges formed in Ohio.  There are many ideas that are being considered for the future of the lodge including, training classes, social events and fundraising events.  The Medina County Lodge is strictly a fraternal lodge and does not engage in contract negotiations.  Membership in the Medina County FOP Lodge #204 is available to full-time and retired sworn law enforcement officers of all ranks from all branches of government Federal, State, County, and Local in the Medina County area.  In case your wondering Why?  Visit our "Why Join?" page for many reasons to join!

The Medina County FOP Lodge meetings are held every month usually on the third Sunday of the month at 7:00pm and include dinner. 

There is a $30 initiation for joining the Lodge that goes toward paying your membership to the FOP Grand Lodge and the Ohio FOP. 

The dues for the local lodge are $75 per year for active Law Enforcement Officers and $50 per year for retired Law Enforcement Officers. 

These dues are used for the operating expenses of the lodge, paying your yearly Grand Lodge, and Ohio FOP dues, and savings of the lodge for donations to injured or fallen officers. Dues can be paid at any monthly meeting, or can be mailed to the address to the left. They can be paid by cash, check or credit card. Please make your check out to Medina County FOP #204.  

You may dowload a copy of the membership application HERE.

Our mailing address is: 

Medina County FOP Lodge #204 
3593 Medina Rd. Suite 283
Medina, OH 44256